mardi 31 mars 2015

car accident

I had a pretty serious accident last week that has now put my trusty '98 Opel Corsa out of commission permanently.

I was driving along the main road between Cayenne and Rémire-Montjoly, but the traffic was pretty bad and kept slowing down. The truck in front of me stopped, so I stopped too. The truck behind me, however, wasn't watching the road and hit me rather hard. My car was projected into the truck ahead of me so I got squashed in both front and back.

My back window shattered into tiny pieces, showering me in broken glass and I had a nasty whiplash.  I had to go to the hospital and must now wear a neck brace for the next ten days. The driver who hit me was actually a young Hindustani man from British Guyana who is working in French Guiana. He was driving his company's truck.

Our insurance company here is completely incompetent and is unable to assist in any way-- such as lending me a vehicule until the Corsa gets repaired. Although we contacted them and pleaded with them for a temporary car (we pay them for this service!) they just "forgot" us. (Evitez la GMF à tout prix, ils sont nuls !)

So, Jack and I have found a rental car on our own and it's costing us €15 per day. Also, there will be an expertise done on the Opel Corsa by our rotten insurance company to see whether it's worth repairing. If the repairs surpass the value of the car (which they undoubtedly will) then the insurance company will just give us a thousand euros or so compensation for the purchase of another car.

The bright side is that I'm feeling better and am grateful for not being seriously injured.

(Click on images to enlarge)

3 commentaires:

  1. That's terrible! I'm glad your car took most of the damage. Though, it's a tad frustrating that your insurance company wasn't able to provide you with a temporary vehicle until the repairs are done. At least, you and Jack managed to find one on your own. Anyway, it was nice stumbling upon your blog. Hope you're feeling better!

    Stephanie Waters @ Chastaine Law

    1. Thanks for your comment. I hope your enjoy reading the blog and discovering more about French Guiana!

  2. It's sad to lose a trusted car to an accident; there’s always no warnings or signs that it will be the last day that you will be using your beloved automobile. But fortunately, you were not injured in the accident. Lives are far more important in times like these. It’s too bad that your insurance company were not able to assist, but hopefully, this will be the first and last automobile accident that you will encounter. Take care!

    Hubert Singleton @ RDFAttorney
